ALMOST HUMAN - The First Trilogy
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Shy Felicity never expected to attract the attention of a handsome young man...or a vampire, but if she can keep them both from killing each other she’ll need all the help she can get to navigate discoveries of desire; perils of zombies and vampires; and struggles with friendship, morality

Cain is an elder vampire who displays quiet confidence even as he struggles to overcome sins of his past. Surprisingly, he found that in losing his life he gained his faith and a purpose. His mission: find the hostile vampires that inhabit this small college town, and educate them to live in peace with humans. Their leader, Sindy, is a wicked temptress who has set her sights on Felicity's new friend Ben. She will be difficult to control, but after meeting Felicity, Cain's most difficult task lies in controlling himself.

Read the first few chapters for free!


Felicity has helped her friends to escape the venomous vixen Sindy, but cannot divine the motives of Cain, the vampire who captured first her gratitude, and then her heart.

She finds the historical account of Cain’s past enthralling and frightening. Now she must determine whether the addictive venom in Cain’s kiss is clouding her judgment, and if his thirst for her blood is a driving force too strong for their love to conquer.

It’s difficult to contemplate such questions while under the attack of a vengeful vampire and his zombie slaves. Felicity’s heart has already been lost to Cain; will she lose her life as well?


The relationship between Cain and Felicity has crested to a peak that leaves them unsure whether to step back from each other for safety or jump into a future united in death.

Felicity is unlike any human Cain has known. She treats him as an equal; a man worthy of friendship, respect, and even…love. She embodies qualities of gentleness and loving trust he has never found among his own kind. This makes her far more desirable to him than any creature of darkness could ever be.

The venom of Cain’s bite could protect Felicity from hostile vampires, but it would give him a measure of psychic control over her as well. Would Felicity only accept becoming a vampire, due to his addictive venom, coupled with the foolishness of a young girl in love? Perhaps there is a brighter future for her in the human world. Is Cain’s desire for Felicity’s love worth the loss of her life?

ALMOST HUMAN - The First Trilogy 

can also be read as an episodic series of novellas
in Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program as seen below:

Fatal Infatuation

Fatal Infatuation
Part 1

Captivating Vampires

Fatal Infatuation
Part 2

Tempting Transgressions

Fatal Infatuation
Part 3

Venomous Revelations

Lost Reflections

Lost Reflections
Part 1

Persistent Persuasion

Lost Reflections
Part 2

Telling Tales

Lost Reflections
Part 3

Battles and Bliss

Evolving Ecstasy

Evolving Ecstasy
Part 1

Ecstasy Unleashed

Evolving Ecstasy
Part 2

Stakes and Sunshine

Evolving Ecstasy
Part 3

Evolution of Love