ALMOST HUMAN - The Second Trilogy
(Click any book for purchase information)

Volume 1 - BORN TO BLOOD

Alyson used to think that vampires were almost human; that is, until she became one. Finally consenting to be lovingly turned by her boyfriend Mattie, Allie has come to possess traits and powers previously unknown among vampire kind. Now Allie seeks the help of the elder vampire Cain, to discover not only what she is capable of, but why.

Still healing from heartbreak over Cain, Felicity looked forward to a nice, human relationship, but dating the son of a vampire hunter, and having a psychic bond with one of his prey makes life far from normal. How can Ben and Felicity discover the truths of love when they are forced to live with so many secrets?

Someone has contrived a diabolical plan to control destiny, and blood may not only be the catalyst for change, but also the master of manipulation behind it. Is rebirth as a vampire always at the discretion of an undead sire, or sometimes is one simply born to blood?

Volume 2 -

Heartbroken and soul-searching, the vampire Cain believes he has finally found his purpose. He is mentoring Allie, who is grudgingly coming to terms with the fact that she is unique among vampires... The United One. Together with Allie's husband Mattie, they are working to discover her powers, when the vampiress Sindy returns with some new tricks of her own.

Ben and Felicity have tried to leave their past involvements with vampires behind them, settling into human life together, despite having to deal with Ben's vampire hunting father - but is mundane love strong enough to supersede the supernatural?

The vampire Elric has sabotaged his master's plans to control The United One more times than for which he can expect to safely escape the consequences. Coven Master Arif knows what he wants, and the guiding forces behind his plan know how to help him get it... If Elric rebels, he could lose his love, but thwart disaster for the human race. Is staying true to the coven in order to save his love, worth the price the world will pay?

When you are descended from darkness, is it still possible to reach for the light? In times of peace, prepare for war.

Volume 3 -

Sindy is a vampiress of little morals and large aspirations...or at least, the old Sindy was. Love and friendship are becoming more important to her, and after becoming an accomplice to kidnapping and an agent of betrayal, she'd be willing to settle for escaping the tangled web she has woven without getting herself dusted.

Felicity is being held for a ransom that no one of sound moral conscience should be willing to pay. Coven Master Arif, a vampire whose terrifying talent of mind-control holds her more tightly than chains, wants control of The United One; Alyson, who is a good friend to Felicity and a dear covenmate of...

Cain, a vampire who declared his love for Felicity, but left her to fulfill her dreams of having a human family. Since renouncing his vampiric tendencies, Cain’s existence has been one of self-sacrifice and benevolence. To rescue Felicity, he would have to betray Alyson and endanger the world, an act that would torture his conscience for eternity.

Perhaps Felicity’s husband Ben can rescue her, but he'd have to play by Arif’s rules. Is Ben willing to make a deal with the devil to retrieve his wife? Or should he put his differences aside to work with Cain, his former rival, to find a solution? Cain may be able to help rescue Felicity, but is he willing to give her up...again?

Alyson has never been one to meekly follow others. Is it time for The United One to take a stand of her own? Her divine destiny is to rule vampire-kind. Maybe it's time to lay down some rules! A battle is sure to ensue...can Alyson protect everyone she loves?

Will Felicity survive Arif’s wrath to keep her life...and her humanity, or when all is said and done, will she find herself ALMOST HUMAN?

ALMOST HUMAN - The Second Trilogy 

can also be read as an episodic series of novellas
in Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program as seen below:

Born to Blood

Born to Blood
Part 1

Vampiress Rising

Born to Blood
Part 2

Exceeding Expectations

Born to Blood
Part 3

Coping with Chaos

Born to Blood
Part 4

Vampire Vertigo

Descendant of Darkness

Descendant of Darkness
Part 1

Determining Desires

Descendant of Darkness
Part 2

Undying Devotion

Descendant of Darkness
Part 3

Emotional Maelstrom

Descendant of Darkness
Part 4

Crossing the Line

Destined for Divinity

Destined for Divinity
Part 1

Home of the Bloodthirsty

Destined for Divinity
Part 2

Enemies and Allies

Destined for Divinity
Part 3

Vicious Survival

Destined for Divinity
Part 4

Divining Destiny